Book's ReviewS
The hard truth about knowledge
Book by Iris Bahnet "What works"

Iris Bohnet's book "What Works: Gender Equality by Design" offers information on how behavioral design can be applied in a variety of settings to solve gender disparity. Behavioral economist Bohnet examines how cultural norms and subtle biases contribute to gender inequality and provides workable solutions based on behavioral science.

The book places a strong emphasis on the necessity of redesigning settings and processes in order reduce implicit bias and advance gender equality. Bohnet uses empirical evidence and research findings to show how little adjustments to organizational procedures, social norms, and decision-making processes can result in more fair outcomes.
Iris covers topics such as:

  • Behavioral Insights: Bohnet gives readers an overview of behavioral design and explains how it can be applied to change decision-making procedures and surroundings in order to promote gender equality.
  • Bias Awareness: The author investigates many forms of prejudicial thinking that influence decision-making, recruiting processes, and corporate culture, and gives ways for decreasing bias through awareness and intervention.
  • Evidence-Based Solutions: Bohnet offers evidence-based interventions that have been effective in advancing gender equality in sectors like employment, education, leadership, and policymaking. These initiatives are based on empirical research and case studies.
  • Useful Applications: "What Works" provides individuals, groups, and legislators with useful guidance and doable measures for putting behavioral design ideas into practice and promoting gender-inclusive surroundings.

Iris Bohnet "What Works"
Gender equality by design
"What Works" is a great resource for anyone trying to figure out the roots of gender disparity and how to employ techniques that really work to make society more egalitarian. If global issues such as gender inequality bothers you and you want to look at it from a different perspective this book will be a perfect opportunity to understand this from the psychological side.

"Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions" by Dan Ariely delves into the realm of behavioral economics to uncover the irrational tendencies that influence human decision-making. Through a series of experiments and anecdotes, Ariely explores how individuals consistently make irrational choices due to cognitive biases, social influences, and emotional factors.
Ariely covers a wide range of topics, including the influence of social norms, the power of free offers, the allure of procrastination, and the impact of relativity on decision-making.
  • Ariely argues that the prevalence of cognitive biases such as loss aversion, anchoring, and the endowment effect, which lead individuals to make decisions that defy traditional economic logic and making irrational decisions.
  • The book examines how social norms, peer pressure, and the desire for social acceptance shape our choices and behaviors, often leading us astray from rational decision-making.
  • Ariely highlights the role of emotions in decision-making, illustrating how our emotions can cloud judgment and lead to irrational decisions, particularly in situations involving risk and uncertainty.
  • "Predictably Irrational" offers practical insights and implications for various aspects of life, including consumer behavior, marketing strategies, financial decision-making, and public policy.

Dan Ariely "Predictably Irrational"
The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions
"Predictably Irrational" offers a fascinating research into human behavior and decision-making, illuminating hidden factors influencing our decisions. Through exposing the irrational biases built in human nature, Ariely encourages readers to reconsider their assumptions in decision-making and explore the wider consequences for both the community and personal welfare.
Book by Daniel Kahneman "Thinking, Fast and Slow"
Based on a book by Daniel Kahneman, "Thinking, Fast and Slow" brain work is divided into 2 main systems: 1st and 2nd.
The 1st system takes control of intuitive and automatic decisions. The 2nd system is responsible for rational and deep thinking that requires knowledge and wide understanding of the subject. He concentrates on observing situations when people choose to use these systems and why irrational decisions take a significant part in our lives.

Book is covering five aspects of human cognition:
  • Kahneman introduces the concept of two distinct systems of thought. System 1 operates automatically and intuitively, while System 2 is more deliberate and analytical. He explores how these systems interact and influence our perceptions, beliefs, and actions.
  • Kahneman discusses various cognitive biases and heuristics that affect decision-making, such as availability heuristic, anchoring effect, and confirmation bias. He illustrates how these mental shortcuts can lead to systematic errors and irrational behavior.
  • The author examines the phenomenon of overconfidence and explores the consequences of it, where individuals tend to be overly confident in their judgments and predictions.
  • Kahneman introduces prospect theory, which describes how people make decisions under risk and uncertainty. He discusses concepts such as loss aversion, reference points, and the framing effect, highlighting their impact on decision-making.
  • He discusses the difference between experiencing selves and remembering selves, and how our perceptions of happiness are influenced by moment-to-moment experiences and overall life satisfaction.

Daniel Kahneman "Thinking Fast and Slow"
Winner of the Nobel prize in economics
Behavioral economics study psychological effect on the economics decisions of human beings with defferent IQ level, age, field of working and erudition. People often make irrationals decisions, it depends on some factors, such as:
Terekhova Alexandra
Behavioral Economics
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